Videos: June 2008 Archives

Well now, it’s been a while since something was written. This would have gone up last night, but it took forever and a day for YouTube to upload and process the video. But it’s ready now. As you know, I’ve been promising since May that I’ve pictures and video of Will in his spring soccer games and swimming lessons. Well, the swimming lessons video is now done.

Will is into the swim season much more this year — a whole lot less fear. We still have to work on the actual swim strokes and floating, but I think he really wants to get better at it. And that’s all we can ask. Before too long, I’m sure he’s going to be a bit of a swimming monster. Hopefully, in time so that Kellie and I can focus on getting Sean and Daniel used to the water.

We hope everyone is enjoying their summers and getting a chance to swim. Stay cool - it hit close to 100F the past couple of days here in Richmond.

The Kids are Checking In

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IMG_1688-1.JPG Will had a great time passing on from kindergarten. But what he really liked was the watch that he got from Nana and Grampa. He really wanted to wear it to day care on Friday and doesn’t like taking it off. Kellie swears he looks at it every 15 minutes or so. And because he can read time to the exact minute on it, we can no longer fool him into thinking that it’s a few minutes later than it really is (and thus time to go home/go do something).


Today was a busy morning. The kids got out and got new shoes (everyone was pretty much outgrowing what they had). And we hit the new Chick-Fil-A that opened up at the nearby shopping center. This is a “big” deal - now there’s one only 5 minutes away instead of 15 minutes away. And being brand new (today was day 3), everything was still clean (not that I’ve ever seen a Chick-Fil-A that wasn’t clean) and they were giving things away (like brownie samples and balloons with their little cows at the end as an anchor). It made for a nice treat for the kids.

I’m also going to throw up a bunch of images and a quick movie of the boys. Lots of stuff to share. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.









1 Down, 12+ To Go

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20080612-2part.jpgCongratulations, Will. You are now done with kindergarten. I know you had a blast, learning about all sorts of new stuff. Some things didn’t change (like getting on the bus). But your art skills have grown tremendously over the last year. You are an excellent reader and writer. You learned about patterns. You learned basic addition and subtraction. You did lots of singing and music. You tried lots of new things in PE. You got a book out of the school library each week. You learned about science, geography, and weather.

You’re growing up. sniff, sniff

I hope you take lots of fond memories from your school this year (like from your first experience with Field Day, as shown below, from two weeks ago today). Your teacher and aide were excellent, and they wish you the best in first grade. We know you will continue to grow and learn, and Mommy and Daddy are really proud of you. Hugs and kisses…

Jumbo, Welcome to the Jungle

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Hard to believe that Will’s first year of elementary school is almost over. It ends tomorrow, and then he’ll no longer be a kindergartener. The transition is going to be a little more interesting next year, as a new elementary school is opening nearby. While Will will still be going to Pole Green ES, about 25% of the school population is going to different schools (largely the new one). So some of the kids he’s made friends with this year won’t be in the new school. At least it relieves the pretty significant overcrowding in the school, which has been there almost since the day it first opened 8 years ago.

Two Wednesdays ago, Will and his class had their school musical. Kellie was able to attend and took a bunch of video of Will. It was all kindergarteners performing for the crowd. Kellie said that she could hear Will’s singing stand out at times, though it does not appear to be that way on any of this video. But we’ve always known Will likes to sing, so maybe this is where it starts. Enjoy!

This Guy Had A Few Too Many

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This tape thing might be an even easier test for lack of sobriety.

That’s gotta hurt.


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