Videos: May 2008 Archives

18-Month Checkup Time

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I really owe Will right here. He’s got a lot of news to post, but that’s the problem. I’m having a hard time getting my head around all of the elements and what I want to post first. (He’s got 4 different things to cover right now. Just to know what they are, they are swimming lessons, soccer games, school musical/play, and Field Day. More soon.)

But this one is easy to post. Sean and Daniel had their checkups today, and everything came out fine. They’re growing great, too. Only one shot each. They’re weights are sliding a little bit on the percentile scale, but they’re eating everything we put in front of them, so we’re not too concerned. Next check up is not for 6 more months. Yay!

Height: 33.75”
Weight: 25 pounds 15 ounces
Head: 50.5 cm

Height: 33”
Weight: 21 pounds 6 ounces
Head: 48cm

Seems like someone knows how to enjoy Vienna Fingers.

Just Call It Will-Day

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IMG_1404-1.JPGSaturday’s this spring should really just be called Will-Day. His schedule definitely keeps us busy. He’s been playing soccer in the mornings/early afternoon (depending on the scheduled game time) of 3-on-3 in a U5 (5 and under) coed league. Today’s game was at 12:15pm, which pretty much shoots much of the morning and early afternoon.

He also has swim lessons right before dinner. Today was the last Saturday session. Pools open next weekend (for Memorial Day weekend). He has definitely improved in his water skills, though he still doesn’t quite have down the crawl yet to use it.20080517-3part.jpg But we’ll definitely work on it this summer, because he really wants to be able to do it so that he isn’t in the first lane for lessons any more. More photos and video on that (as well as soccer) shortly.

His soccer games are played at Pole Green Park, which has a large playground on it (among other amenities). There’s some new equipment there that he’s been trying out, and it’s definitely different than what was available when I was a kid. Will’s still a bit cautious on the new stuff, as you can see from the photo sequence. He’s also getting into what I might call “aerial lillypads,” which can be seen on the video below. Ah, to be this young and carefree again.

I’m tired. These days tend to wear me out. Time to crash.

The Twins Are Growing Up...

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I think we all knew that they would grow up. Comes with the territory as you are in your teens (as measured in months). The boys are finally walking, including Daniel. So it is not so easy to keep track of them any more. They definitely move faster than crawling.

20080514-3part.jpgSean gets to show off his inner sports star in this entry. He’s channeling MJ as he jams Pooh in the hoop. He’s got the droopy, baggy pants going, too. (No animals - stuffed or live - were injured or killed in the filming of this sequence.) He really got into it, whether with a ball, Pooh, or even a shoe. Kellie and I get the feeling that Sean may be the one of the three that might give sports a real try.

The video below is more of Sean and Daniel at home this past couple of weekends. Sean shows off his inner Tiger in the first half of it, then Daniel gets to show that he, too, finally enjoys walking around.

Well, Sean had to stay home today because of a fever he developed yesterday. His fever is actually gone by midday, but we’re one of those families that tries to honor school policies and keep him out to prevent the spread of germs. Too bad other families don’t follow those rules as well.

At least we can proudly show that Sean has finally decided that he’d rather walk almost anywhere. It took him a while, but this seems par for the course with our kids. Will lasted 16 months, and Daniel still believes it’s faster to crawl than walk unless he’s holding something. The funny thing is — he is faster crawling; he’s just a bullet. This video of Sean walking is from 2 weekends ago.

Well, time to start up the blogging again. I think I've finally got this thing working so that it will show a YouTube video. So, for starters, we get Sean and Daniel showing off their dexterity with a spoon.

OK, nothing earth shattering here. But do you remember what you looked like when you first tried to learn how to eat with a spoon?


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