Videos: March 2009 Archives

IMG_3821.JPGYes, Hanover County has a rural character to it and more than its share of hunters, but last Saturday, we did not need a license to go on a hunt. Rather, it was time for the local Easter egg hunt. This is actually the first time we’ve taken Will to this event, and despite the overcast skies and rain for much of the preceding week, it actually went well.

Kids up to age 8 can participate, but they break them into waves. Ages 7 and 8 felt almost like a scrum, though no one really pushed up against each other. Rather, it was just a frenetic pace. Ages 5 and 6 (which Will was in) was much more laid back and non-competitive. And ages 3 and 4 was just rather sweet, as the kids were probably trying to figure out what all of the fuss was about, although they could at least see the candy and understand a reason to get that. 2 and under was done with adult supervision.

So Will got a decent amount of candy. He’s been parading around the house with it, though he hasn’t really broken into it much to eat it. And I’m cool with that. My parents were also down visiting this past weekend, which allowed Kellie to get on my dad’s mobile ham radio gear and make some contest contacts.


Your Beds Have Arrived, Sirs

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OK, here is the long-awaited multimedia documentary of Sean’s and Daniel’s introduction to their new beds last Saturday. Yes, it took a while for us to do this — they should have been in them long ago. But they’ve got them now, and they certainly enjoy their “new beds.”

Now, the video helps anchor it all. The first clip shows them walking in the room the first time with the new arrangement. After putting them to bed, we had to check back in on them about an hour later. Needless to say, things had not been too quiet in the room.

(No, Will, this was their afternoon nap. They won’t be sleeping until morning.)

Needless to say, after the second half of that video, we stripped the room further of excess toys and stuffed animals and books. We had a feeling it might happen, but after seeing them strewn everywhere, we knew we didn’t want to be picking that up after every rest.

And right now, Sean is the one who gets out of bed after we leave the room, while Daniel stays in bed. But don’t let the video fool you. Sean was also out of bed during that time. We just happened to walk in when he had gone over to his bed for a moment.

At The End O' The Day

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Just had to get a couple of these pictures out there for you. The little leprechauns had a fun time at dinner time, getting a traditional Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, and green shamrock sugar cookies. Yum!

(And if you pay attention, you might be able to see the gap where Will’s sixth tooth used to be.)

Also wanted to share with you a classic tune from the original “Irish” tenors. Hope you had a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Fun In The Snow

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IMG_1053.JPGEveryone had fun in the snow on Monday. I promised some shots and video, and this is what I have. Of course, the photo to the right isn’t in the snow, but shows the boys trying share Cookie Monster between their cribs. Caught in the act, indeed. At least Sean isn’t throwing the stuffed animal into Daniel’s crib, like he’s been doing a lot recently.

And yes, they need to get into their beds.

Did you notice in the album that one of the adults was caught sledding? Well, they didn’t get a shot of the other one sledding, too. Their loss. In the afternoon, we set up a different run heading into the other cul-de-sac, as you can see from the later pictures. Our best hill is in our backyard, but it ends in our shed, so it’s not prime sledding real estate for the young and inexperienced.


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