Videos: September 2008 Archives


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OK, nobody in the family is hurt. Just the electronics — the main family computer. The hard drive just went and decided to freeze up. It’s not recoverable at the local shop and is going to have to go out for full-blown disaster recovery (cost still pending, depending on what they have to do and if it is even salvageable). Yup, tons of family files on there that we really do not want to lose. This is why there weren’t any updates over the weekend.

Lesson learned — schedule your backups. Speaking of which, if you’re tech savvy and already doing this, what is your approach? Online backup service? Second hard drive? DVD? What program(s) are you running to coordinate it? All suggestions appreciated, because I won’t be making this expensive mistake again. (And the drive was only 2 years old and gave no signs of being ready to fail, such as the clicking it ultimately showed.)

On a happier note, you can view this amazing video about Christian the lion. It breaks through my sour mood about the computer.

First Day of School - First Grade

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IMG_2113-backlight.JPGWell, it was not without a little trepidation that Will started his second year of elementary school today. That’s not to be unexpected. But after getting over that little distraction, he was gung ho to get to school. After all, he’s an expert at going to school and getting on the bus. (Yes, that is him in the middle of the picture on the right, somewhat hidden by the reflection on the bus window. I actually think it’s kind of cool, because he can be seen.)

By all accounts, he’s got a great teacher this year (Ms. Stone), so we look forward to lots of learning on his part. While I couldn’t extra too much detail on what he did today, he did say that he enjoyed school today. So we start yet another year of him growing up. I can’t wait to hear about all of the new things he’s going to learn about.

The Unofficial End of Summer

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Well, the thermometer may say that it will continue to be warm, but the neighborhood pool is closing up and school starts tomorrow. That means that summer, for all intents and purposes, is over.

IMG_2105-1.JPGSo, it was with a bit of shock that Will suddenly declared yesterday that he wanted to go out and ride his bike. Yes, that same bike that we couldn’t convince him to ride all summer. Go figure. So after filling up the tires with air and giving Will some quick instructions on pushing the pedals and using the hand brake (instead of the feet) to slow down the bike, he was suddenly off. And he wasn’t too bad, not even complaining too much on the uphill before our driveway.

So, now we’ve got (I hope) a kid who will get more and more into his bike. He’s still a bit skittish when cars are coming, but we’ll get him through it all. We’re just excited that he’s showing interest in riding his bike.

2-GrampaNicholas-Aug08.JPGSome new pictures for our new nephew, Nicholas. The picture to the right is of Grampa with Nicholas this past weekend. And they had a professional photographer take some photos at 2 weeks. Some of the better photos are here on the photographer’s blog. (And not to embarrass Dena too much, but she also had some photos back in July that are very beautiful.)


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