Congratulations, Will. You are now done with kindergarten. I know you had a blast, learning about all sorts of new stuff. Some things didn’t change (like getting on the bus). But your art skills have grown tremendously over the last year. You are an excellent reader and writer. You learned about patterns. You learned basic addition and subtraction. You did lots of singing and music. You tried lots of new things in PE. You got a book out of the school library each week. You learned about science, geography, and weather.
You’re growing up. sniff, sniff
I hope you take lots of fond memories from your school this year (like from your first experience with Field Day, as shown below, from two weeks ago today). Your teacher and aide were excellent, and they wish you the best in first grade. We know you will continue to grow and learn, and Mommy and Daddy are really proud of you. Hugs and kisses…
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