Videos: July 2010 Archives

That's So Cool!

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Hey, I know it’s been a while. Work and life in general has been a bit crazy. I may be able to post a few things as I have time. This one was fairly easy to do, so I hope you enjoy it.

This past weekend, Will and I went to a family celebration up in Old Town Alexandria. Before returning home, we took a quick ride up the GW Parkway to get a closer look at the river, and I was able to get into Gravelly Point just north of Reagan National Airport around sunset. The cool thing was not the sunset itself (hidden by the buildings in Crystal City to the west), but with the planes landing right overhead.

Here are a couple of the planes that landed overtop of us. And no Wayne’s World scenes here.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Videos category from July 2010.

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