Videos: February 2009 Archives

Back For Another Round

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We have lots of video and picture clips of the kids from last month, but I’m finally getting to play some catch up. (Never mind the photo and video projects remaining from Thanksgiving and Christmas, still.) You got exposed to Daniel’s singing skills previously. Well, he continues to expand his skillset — this time adding the piano.

The first part of the video was from last week Monday, when he was still home sick with walking pneumonia (though largely over it). You get some ABCs in there, followed by Baa Baa Black Sheep. The second part was from last Saturday, when he decided to practice some more. And there is no posing going on here. Daniel just crawls up on the piano and starts playing and singing. This was actually the first couple of times we were able to get the camera in time to catch him singing and playing.

We hope you enjoy it.

Super Bowl Thoughts

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The Super Bowl certainly had an interesting finish. Not sure if it made up for the first three quarters of uneven play, though they did have their moments. But the game certainly struggled to get any sort of flow to it, whether with the replays or other timeouts.

And of course, lots of commercial breaks. If you missed some of the commercials, NBC has made all of them available online. (See the bar above.) Personally, I thought the commercials were pretty mediocre this year. I’m not sure there were too many horrible ones, but nothing really stood out to me, either. When the topic came up this morning at work, I struggled to come up with a memorable one. Maybe I’m just getting old and forgetful.

Or maybe they just weren’t memorable. See for yourself.

The kids enjoyed the Super Bowl. Will was looking forward to it all day, and he stuck around to watch much of the first half. Sean and Daniel also got into it, once it came on. They’re still very intrigued with watching football. Unfortunately, there won’t be any football on TV for a while. Unless I drag out a recording. (Thank goodness for the DVR.)


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This page is a archive of entries in the Videos category from February 2009.

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