Videos: November 2008 Archives

Happy Birthday, Sean and Daniel!

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Well, this one is a day late. Yesterday was a busy day, so I’m just going to give you a video of the boys’ second birthday celebration highlights. (I still have a couple other sets of highlights to pull together — there’s last Saturday’s birthday celebration with my parents, and then yesterday morning’s visit with Santa at our church bazaar. So much to cover, so little time.)

And after all of the bustle of yesterday, today was a bit more quiet and allowed folks to settle down. In fact, I found Sean and Daniel doing just that this morning. I found the rather relaxed posture on our good couch kind of amusing.


Kids' Art and Food

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This first thing is a bit of an experiment. I am trying out a freeware program called Jalbum for creating an online photo album (rather than creating a video of images). This has the potential to be a much more useful tool for displaying a lot of related images, rather than tossing them into a video or showing a whole bunch of them below. It’s a Flash-based application that will do a whole bunch of different things, depending on what I set it up to do.

My first attempt is actually a more complex set of albums, with artwork and other projects that Sean and Daniel have been doing at their daycare center over about the last 6 to 8 months. You click on the links in the top left to open any of the three albums (Sean & Daniel combo art, Daniel-only art, and Sean-only art). Scroll through, or launch the slide show, even download some of the pictures (albeit lower res — still working on that). And let me know what you think of the approach.

And here is some video of Sean at dinner tonight. He loved one food in particular — ‘pease?’

Twin Checkup Time

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Are they really coming up on their second birthdays? Yes, they are — this Saturday. They’ve already had one birthday party this past weekend (with my parents), with more to come this weekend with the local contingent.

But today was a checkup day. When we last checked in five-and-a-half months ago, they were growing fine. And they still are — Daniel is over 90% in height, while Sean is over 75% in height. We just have to remind ourselves that they are also 5 weeks premature, so they’ll be down the scale a little bit. But at this rate, it looks like Will may wind up being the tallest (he was 37.5” at his 2-year check up). Here are their

Height: 36” (+2.25”)
Weight: 28 pounds 10 ounces (+2 pounds 11 ounces)
Head: 51 cm (+0.5 cm)

Height: 35” (+2”)
Weight: 24 pounds 0 ounces (+2 pounds 10 ounces)
Head: 49cm (+1 cm)

Everything is pretty much staying on the proper curve from the last time, so their growth patterns are very consistent (including Sean being in the tenth percentile in weight, despite being as tall as he is). Keep growing up, guys, like this video below shows.

Indoor Snowball Fights

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IMG_2668.JPGYes, these can happen even on the warmest of days, like this past weekend (when it was in the 70s). Sean and Daniel have figured out how to have snowball fights - using toilet paper and kleenex. I know — it’s the normal thing that kids this age do. It’s still kind of cute, though picking it up is less so. Particularly when they find the trashcan with the remains of the fight and proceed to empty it back out again.


Then there is Daniel, showing off his dancing skills (of the most dangerous variety). Not sure what he was dancing to, but it clearly caught his fancy.


October 2012

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