Videos: July 2008 Archives

Will's Casting Call

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JibJab has come out with its first video covering the 2008 national election cycle. Hopefully, you remember them from their first video about the Bush/Kerry race. Funny stuff.

Well, cute thing that it is, you can now insert yourself or others into specific parts of their videos. So, Will gets his first crack at stardom. Check it out.

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OK, you had to wait until the end, but it still was fun. You can pretty much put in whatever you want — even the cat. (We may try that one soon.) It may be just a small part, but I’m sure it will lead to bigger things!

Too Much Fun In The House

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And no alcohol was involved. Just the family jamming out to Huey Lewis and the News on the 4th of July. You say, what?

Well, after dinner, but before heading outside for our neighborhood fireworks shoot-off (legal stuff only), we had on the Capitol Fourth celebration. Huey Lewis and the News came on for their three-song set, and the twins (Sean first) just started getting into the music. Luckily, cameras were nearby, and you get to see the subsequent display of dancing “talent.”

We’ll start you off with a few pictures from the day, and of the twins marching to music with their flags, but then the real fun starts. And try to hang on for the full 4+ minutes. The finale is a riot.

Or maybe it’s just me that thought this was a classic.

Happy Belated 4th of July!

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Just a couple of quick notes, as the video of stuff from the 4th of July is going to take longer than I have to post today. But to give you a taste of what you might see, please check out Sean getting down to the Chicken Dance and the Itsy-Bitsy-Spider at a party at his daycare on July 3rd.

As for post-Independence Day events, Kellie and the kids joined me and my parents (who were down for the weekend) at the 30th annual Hanover Tomato Festival. Hanover is well-known for its tomatoes (okay, at least in these parts) and celebrates the season when they are available.

My real reason for posting actually has to do with politics. One thing that you get at the Tomato Festival is various levels of politicking going on, particularly with signs sprouting along the side of the road, as well as patrons who allow campaign volunteers to get them to wear candidate-supporting stickers. Hanover County is strongly Republican-leaning (see the 2006 election results, where the George Allen took 67% of the vote, despite losing the Senate election).

What I found most interesting is that the Republican volunteers were trying to interest attendees in both John McCain and Jim Gilmore (Republican Senate candidate) stickers, but there were very few I saw that had both stickers. I saw quite a few McCain stickers, but not so many Gilmore stickers. On the Democratic side, I saw an okay number of Mark Warner (Democratic Senate candidate) stickers and just a few sporting Barack Obama stickers.

And that’s just one man’s observation in a heavily Republican county at a region-wide event.


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