Kids: July 2008 Archives

Random Week-Starting Notes

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IMG_1952-1.JPGOur first tomatoes are coming in. We got a couple of cherry tomatoes (not even an inch in diameter) off the plants yesterday. They tasted good. We can’t wait for more of the cherry tomatoes, plus the bigger ones that are on the vine (but very green).

On another food note, Sean continues to prove that he will eat anything edible. (Sand at the beach notwithstanding.) Kellie and I had brussels sprouts for our veggie for dinner tonight, and we offered both Sean and Daniel a few cut up pieces. (We knew better than to offer it to Will.) Daniel ate a few, but left most of his pieces, focusing on the meatballs. Sean started with the brussels sprouts and ate most of them, eventually getting around to the meatballs.

IMG_1948-1.JPGWill successfully completed his second overnight visit (on Saturday night), this time without either parent. That meant he got to spend more time with Ryan, and they had a blast together. He had so much fun that he didn’t want him to leave. He even wanted to go back on Sunday night to sleep at Gwama’s. (That wasn’t going to happen.)

Will has also started to ride his three-wheel scooter more now. We walked/rode down to the pool and back yesterday, which is much farther than he’s ever shown interest in riding it before. He’s still not ready for the two-wheel scooter that Aunt Dena and Uncle Dennis got him, but I see that day coming at some point. Now he wants to ride his scooter every day (even before dinner tonight). I think that’s a good thing for him.

And if you talk to Emily any time soon, ask her about her performance in the NYC Half-Marathon yesterday. She did very well, though I’m not sure you’ll see her in the results. (Again, you’ll just have to ask her.) Congrats on an excellent time — I think it’s a few seconds better than my fastest half-marathon time.

Uncle Tim and Ryan Are In Town

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IMG_1941-1.JPGTim and Ryan took the train down from Cincinnati yesterday (waking up at 3:30am to get to the train) and have been staying at Faye’s house. Will and Kellie went over last night for a sleep over, and I kept the twins overnight into this morning. Will had a blast.

Ryan came back to our house this afternoon, so that he, Will and Kellie could go to our pool. He also got to see and interact with the twins. Tim eventually came back over so he could also see the twins. Everyone had a grand time, though Daniel was acting a little shy around Uncle Tim. Sean didn’t care — he wanted Uncle Tim to carry him around everywhere.

IMG_1939-1.JPGUncle Tim and Ryan are going back to Cincinnati tomorrow, but Will has decided to go back to have another sleep over with Ryan tonight — without Mommy. Originally, he didn’t like the idea, but I think once he started having fun with Ryan, he wanted more of it. He was definitely ready to go back for the sleep over this afternoon — he kept pestering everyone for when it was time for Uncle Tim to drive him back to the Southside. So maybe Camp Fairfax may still be possible.

And tonight, Will is going to watch the Hannah Montana 3-D concert special with Ryan. They’re both looking forward to this one. Ryan even made sure that he got the 3-D glasses for Will, too. I’m sure they will have a lot of fun.

Will's Casting Call

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JibJab has come out with its first video covering the 2008 national election cycle. Hopefully, you remember them from their first video about the Bush/Kerry race. Funny stuff.

Well, cute thing that it is, you can now insert yourself or others into specific parts of their videos. So, Will gets his first crack at stardom. Check it out.

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

OK, you had to wait until the end, but it still was fun. You can pretty much put in whatever you want — even the cat. (We may try that one soon.) It may be just a small part, but I’m sure it will lead to bigger things!

Too Much Fun In The House

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And no alcohol was involved. Just the family jamming out to Huey Lewis and the News on the 4th of July. You say, what?

Well, after dinner, but before heading outside for our neighborhood fireworks shoot-off (legal stuff only), we had on the Capitol Fourth celebration. Huey Lewis and the News came on for their three-song set, and the twins (Sean first) just started getting into the music. Luckily, cameras were nearby, and you get to see the subsequent display of dancing “talent.”

We’ll start you off with a few pictures from the day, and of the twins marching to music with their flags, but then the real fun starts. And try to hang on for the full 4+ minutes. The finale is a riot.

Or maybe it’s just me that thought this was a classic.


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