Uncle Tim and Ryan Are In Town

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IMG_1941-1.JPGTim and Ryan took the train down from Cincinnati yesterday (waking up at 3:30am to get to the train) and have been staying at Faye’s house. Will and Kellie went over last night for a sleep over, and I kept the twins overnight into this morning. Will had a blast.

Ryan came back to our house this afternoon, so that he, Will and Kellie could go to our pool. He also got to see and interact with the twins. Tim eventually came back over so he could also see the twins. Everyone had a grand time, though Daniel was acting a little shy around Uncle Tim. Sean didn’t care — he wanted Uncle Tim to carry him around everywhere.

IMG_1939-1.JPGUncle Tim and Ryan are going back to Cincinnati tomorrow, but Will has decided to go back to have another sleep over with Ryan tonight — without Mommy. Originally, he didn’t like the idea, but I think once he started having fun with Ryan, he wanted more of it. He was definitely ready to go back for the sleep over this afternoon — he kept pestering everyone for when it was time for Uncle Tim to drive him back to the Southside. So maybe Camp Fairfax may still be possible.

And tonight, Will is going to watch the Hannah Montana 3-D concert special with Ryan. They’re both looking forward to this one. Ryan even made sure that he got the 3-D glasses for Will, too. I’m sure they will have a lot of fun.

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