Kids: April 2012 Archives

Play Ball!

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IMG-20120417-00010.jpgT-ball season officially started for Sean and Daniel tonight. They’ve been having practice for 3 weeks now, but this is the first “game” for them.They got to wear their uniforms tonight for the first time - and you cannot see the yellow socks they also have on!

I think they’re learning to like the game. It’s T-ball, so there’s no score and no outs, and it makes for some absolutely funny situations in the field. Who knows where the ball will get thrown. There was a little frustration in that the ball wasn’t ever hit in Daniel’s or Sean’s direction, but they’ll learn that they won’t always get a chance at the ball.

They did a good job hitting the ball — Sean even had one roll almost to the outfield grass! I have some video from their last practice, so time permitting, I’ll try to post that shortly.


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