Wife: September 2008 Archives

A Couple of Quick Updates

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Actually, I guess this makes 3:

  1. Don’t get any of your expensive stuff near me. Things keep failing. First a laptop, then a hard drive seizure, and now the first floor AC is kaput. Ugh! Yet another unexpected expense.

  2. Speaking of that hard drive seizure, we got the bad news today. Data recovery will require a clean room operation to try to get it back. We’ll see how much can be recovered. (Recovery is not cheap. Lesson learned.)

  3. Kellie has her new call sign. It is KJ4GRE. Time to get her on-the-air.

The Latest Ham YL

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IMG_2211-1.JPGJust a quick bit of news from the better half. Kellie sat down yesterday to take a test to receive her Technician class license for amateur radio privileges from the FCC. She was a bit nervous about the test, but all of her studying to this point paid off. She passed the test. And guess what? She didn’t just pass the test — she aced it.

(If you didn’t know it, my dad and I are long-time amateur radio license holders — he’s held his a bit longer. And my mom went and passed her test back in May of this year. Mom also aced the test.)

So, congrats to the newly minted ham. I’d say she’s more excited about this right now than probably I am with my licensed privileges. Heck, I’m not sure what license I hold right now, as I held an Advanced license back in the age when you had to take a Morse code test as well.

Yes, that’s right — no code test requirements any more, even for the top licensing level. So, you too can get your amateur radio license. Why don’t you?


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