Wife: May 2008 Archives

Happy Mother's Day!

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[A] mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. — Emily Dickinson

That’s right, it’s Mother’s Day. We’ve had a grand day today, hopefully letting our mothers know how special and important they are to us. Without them, there isn’t us. I just want to call out a couple of the mothers that are obviously so near and dear to my heart.

IMG_1283-1.JPGKellie — you know how much you mean to me and the boys, and how things would just fall apart without out you. You are so kind and understanding to realize I just need to sleep in a few extra minutes some mornings. You support my attempts to play basketball, to run, and to exercise. You are there to help fix the boo-boos and mend the sad hearts.

IMG_0281-1.jpgMom — you were my first mom. (OK, my only mom - thank you.) I grew up under your guidance and care, and if I’m somewhat successful in life, it surely would not have been possible without your love and patience. (I’m sure I tested the latter over the years.) I treasure your thoughts, your prayers, and your wisdom. Please know that as you were there for me, so I shall be there for you. If I don’t say it often enough, do know that I love you.

Faye — without you, I wouldn’t have a loving and caring wife and mother to my three sons. Thank you for being available as an emergency babysitter when our work schedules don’t allow us to stay with a sick child. We would not be the same family without your presence and support.

And to all of you, thank you for being such shining examples of kind, decent and caring women. God bless each and every one of you, and all you other mothers out there. You keep us men from going too crazy.

And next year, there will be a new addition to this honor roll. Stay tuned.

Happy Anniversary!

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“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

0019-1.jpgThat’s right, we’re now 9 years into this thing called marriage. Hard to believe where the time has gone. We’ve done a lot, and been through a lot. We’ve been very blessed.

So, to my wife, my confidant, my partner, my better half - I will love you always. It’s hard to believe that so much can be packed into 9 years together. I’m looking forward to many more by your side.

(…lying in bed, exhausted, from chasing the kids around. But they sure make it worth it.)

“The future is not a gift — it is an achievement.” — Harry Lauder


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