Kids: February 2012 Archives

So I'm Made A Liar

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Yes, the snow finally decided to show up. I shouldn’t mind — the kids certainly don’t. When we sat down for dinner, it still wasn’t accumulating. But an hour later, when I went to check, it was finally building up. So the kids got out into the snow for about 30 minutes of throwing snowballs at each other. Lots of fun, and the snow certainly doesn’t seem to be slowing down yet.


Maybe this was a reverse jinx that worked.

This Is A Bit Underwhelming

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Well, the boys are still waiting for this snow storm to accumulate on the ground. Today was supposed to be our first significant snowfall of the year — 2 to 4 inches is the final estimate. Flurries started over 4 hours ago, sometimes getting heavy, but it’s still not accumulating on the ground. It’s on the cars, but the ground won’t hold it. The snow is probably a little wetter than normal, but I guess it’s closer to rain than anything.

It’s supposed to be all snow tonight, so maybe that’s where the accumulation comes. The boys won’t even get a snow day out of this one, as tomorrow is a school holiday.

Now last Sunday, we got a surprise snow squall blow through, and it actually put a layer on the ground (though didn’t technically count, as it wasn’t measurable at the airport, apparently). I was actually out running when it blew through — quite an interesting experience, as it got really heavy. It only lasted about 45 minutes (last Sunday’s snow, not today’s snow), but as you can see below, it gave enough for the boys to briefly enjoy.

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There were a few small snowballs, but nothing major. And definitely no sledding. We’re holding out higher hopes for the current storm, but we shall see.


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