Kids: November 2010 Archives

I Like This One, Too

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I meant to include this picture in the slide show in honor of their birthday, but we got this shot of Sean and Daniel this past weekend that really shows them off.


And here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend.

Happy 4th Birthday, Sean and Daniel!

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Four years ago today, I was driving on a rainy highway to get Kellie to the hospital so that Daniel (5 minutes older) and Sean could be born. How lucky we have been and are. Such a wonderful year this has been, and they really are turning into little boys now. They are not anything I would call a toddler any more.

They have had quite a weekend for celebrating their birthdays — 3 days of different events with variations on the family. I think (hope?) that’s all of the presents for now. After all, Christmas is only a month away. (Yikes!)

A Happy Halloween - More Pictures

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OK, so Kellie got some pictures of the boys with their Iron Man masks. (They actually like to dress up in them after dinner.) She did a good job getting a nice progression. I really love the fake muscles in the costumes, buffing up their young bodies.

Now everyone don’t rush out to order your own costumes.

A Happy Halloween

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P1010660.JPGThe kids had a great time with Halloween this year. Getting costumes for Sean and Daniel was relatively easy. Even though they’ve never seen the movie, they both wanted Iron Man costumes when they saw them at Target. Luckily, they wanted different styles/colors, so it makes it a bit easier to keep track of them. (Unfortunately, I never got any pictures with their masks on. Sorry.)

P1010657.JPGWill was a bit more difficult. He’s not a big character guy, so in the end, he settled on a hot dog costume. I think it’s cool, and if I had more time (I didn’t brainstorm this until about a day before Halloween), I would have created a potato chip bag for myself to wear (green trashbag base, so probably sour cream and onion flavor). How very self-referential. Maybe next year (if Will does the costume again — it’s certainly big enough).

Hope everyone else had a great Halloween of trick or treating.


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