Home: July 2012 Archives

Encounters With Nature

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IMG-20120714-00020.jpgToday’s encounter was a bit unexpected. I was off to drop off the recycling this morning, than what should I find but a nice, big snake in the middle of the road. Nothing poisonous or anything. And it hung out for a while. I had enough time to turn around and get the rest of the family, so the kids could see a live snake up close for the first time.

No, they weren’t allowed to touch it. (One of the kids — I think it was Daniel — did ask.) But it kind of went back and forth, without ever getting off the road. Made for a nice conversation piece with some neighbors and others driving by. I think my neighbor eventually came back with a bag to move it to another, more appropriate location. (He’s a Scoutmaster — I trust him to find a proper home for it to continue living out its life.)

Definitely not something you expect to see every day.

And yes, that’s 3 postings in 1 week. These are short enough to pull off. I need to catch up some more.


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