Home: September 2008 Archives

Things Are Cooling Down Again

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Just a quick update (as this is birthday party weekend for Will): got the AC fixed today, so we now have cool air on the first floor again. Luckily, the past week has had average temperatures for Richmond, so things didn’t get too hot downstairs. (I’m glad this didn’t quit during the middle of the summer.) But it’s nice to be back in a cool situation. The temps inside today were heading back toward 80 before the AC was finally back working.

Now, about that Pump-It-Up party tomorrow…

A Couple of Quick Updates

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Actually, I guess this makes 3:

  1. Don’t get any of your expensive stuff near me. Things keep failing. First a laptop, then a hard drive seizure, and now the first floor AC is kaput. Ugh! Yet another unexpected expense.

  2. Speaking of that hard drive seizure, we got the bad news today. Data recovery will require a clean room operation to try to get it back. We’ll see how much can be recovered. (Recovery is not cheap. Lesson learned.)

  3. Kellie has her new call sign. It is KJ4GRE. Time to get her on-the-air.


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OK, nobody in the family is hurt. Just the electronics — the main family computer. The hard drive just went and decided to freeze up. It’s not recoverable at the local shop and is going to have to go out for full-blown disaster recovery (cost still pending, depending on what they have to do and if it is even salvageable). Yup, tons of family files on there that we really do not want to lose. This is why there weren’t any updates over the weekend.

Lesson learned — schedule your backups. Speaking of which, if you’re tech savvy and already doing this, what is your approach? Online backup service? Second hard drive? DVD? What program(s) are you running to coordinate it? All suggestions appreciated, because I won’t be making this expensive mistake again. (And the drive was only 2 years old and gave no signs of being ready to fail, such as the clicking it ultimately showed.)

On a happier note, you can view this amazing video about Christian the lion. It breaks through my sour mood about the computer.


October 2012

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