Home: February 2009 Archives

It's A Sun-Flurry

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IMG_3618.JPGThat’s the only way I can describe today’s precipitation. You’ve heard of a sun-shower. Well, we got hit by a sun-flurry. The picture to the right really cannot do it justice. (I don’t have the camera or the know-how to take the shot properly, but clicking on it will allow you to see the flakes.) But I was walking around the house, with the sun shining bright outside, and looked out a window to see large snowflakes falling. And they were sticking to the ground!

We still haven’t had a good snowfall yet.

IMG_3617.JPGThe weekend has been a good one. Will had another good outing of swim lessons this afternoon. He’s really trying more and more stuff. It’s really cool that I think he may finally be willing to try more of it and get a little better at it each time. Could be an interesting summer of swimming for Will — which would be a good thing to have him swim more independently. That will allow Kellie and I to focus on Sean and Daniel, who will probably really want to take to the water this summer.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get any video of Sean and Daniel dancing to the music on the Weather Channel forecast. The boys have taken to another skill instead — vacuuming up their mess under the table after a meal. Well, at least they do it sometimes. We also give you a ball throwing exhibition, with a touch of twin-on-twin “violence.”

Hope you have a good week ahead.




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