Home: December 2008 Archives

Say A Prayer For Sweetie

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IMG_2297.JPGSweetie (our cat) is in the hospital right now. She’s stopped eating over the past couple of days and has gotten really lethargic and disoriented. She even turned her nose up at canned tuna (her favorite food). So it was off to the 24-hour hospital in Carytown at lunchtime.

As you can see, I’m back home. Sweetie had to stay. She was dehydrated and had a low temperature, so they’re working on that. Her kidneys also felt abnormal when the vet squeezed them. It could be a lot of things, so hopefully with the blood work today, we’ll know so more. She’s staying overnight.

I know everyone is a little concerned about Sweetie, so say a little prayer for her tonight.


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