Friends: December 2008 Archives

Not A Family Entry

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I’ve been holding off on posting this for a little while, but now makes as good as sense as any. This is about juggling, something which I’m okay at (I can do 3 at a time in a couple of variations). However, the son of a co-worker is something of a prodigy. He’s still in high school, but he’s already competing on a national and international level. He’s competing this weekend in Las Vegas at an international convention, which follows on his performance this summer where he placed third, second and tied for first in three different disciplines.

I’ve never met his son before, but his father is cool. (He also writes science fiction.) But I’ve seen some of his videos on YouTube, and he is really impressive. Up to 9 balls and 10 rings in the air at a time, plus all sorts of different acrobatic moves and exchanges. So I hope he’s doing well in the competitions. I hope you can at least partially appreciate his talent.

This first video I share is from back in the spring this year, as he tries out different things in outdoors settings. (You can mute the music if you don’t like harder-sounding music, particularly the second video. You don’t need the music to appreciate the display.)

This video is his current video taken in support of his trip to the convention. This shows off some of his skills he’ll probably be competing for in Las Vegas. Good luck.

December 2008: Monthly Archives


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