Different: November 2009 Archives

That Was A Lot Of Rain

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And it just wouldn’t stop coming down. In fact, it’s still misting outside, even 3 days after things started. It wasn’t ever too hard of a rain — an amateur weather station just a few miles from my house has only recorded about 5 inches of rain so far. But it definitely accumulated.

See for yourself, in this picture of the drainage pond at the bottom of the hill near my house. We don’t border on it, so we’re nowhere close to getting flooded. We’d need a Noah flood to get to our house from here. But those trees on the left, in the standing water, are probably almost 3 feet above normal water stage in the pond. And you can see the water trending toward some of those fences on the left.


Sorry for the fuzziness. The weakness of a cameraphone picture, I guess.

Hope everyone else stayed dry, if you were on the East Coast. Our fine governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia stayed dry — by having Democratic Party fundraisers in Memphis and Little Rock after declaring an emergency in the state. (See, both parties’ leaders can be tone deaf.) Have a great weekend.

Making Things Fun

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Someone shared with me an interesting website and a couple of cool videos. The goal is to change people’s behavior by making the desired behavior more fun. The two examples below — taking the stairs, and recycling glass bottles — definitely show how things are different when they are made more fun.

So, what do you think? Both of these cases would definitely be fun for both kids and adults.


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