Argh, is it this time of year that’s doing something? A year ago, our previous desktop computer’s hard drive gave up the ghost and we replaced it.
This evening? It appears that the power supply just gave up. There was a slight power surge, but no outage, during a storm this afternoon. However, the computer was on a power strip, and everything else on the power strip still works. But the power supplies LED is out, indicating it is likely fried. I only have about 20 things to try (according to HP) before knowing for certain it is out.
So, I’ve got some troubleshooting ahead of me tomorrow. Luckily, if it is a power supply, it’s something I can troubleshoot and fix on my own (with a new unit). And in my research so far, it appears that this unit that HP uses does appear to be a little susceptible to simple power surges.
In the meantime, you will have to wait for some of the other postings I was planning, as it depends on the pictures and video on the desktop hard drive. And yes, I did learn my lesson last year and have those folders fully backed up. (That’s a posting for another day.)
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