Two quick notes in the same day. After the earlier incident during naptime, we got to the pool around dinner time. We were in the pool for a bit, then ate dinner (PBJ sandwiches and chips) during adult swim time. (There were no adults swimming; just a break for the lifeguard.)
The big change is actually in Daniel. I think Daniel had been watching Will jump in the pool, and when I asked Daniel if he wanted to jump in, he nodded his head and said yes. So, to the side of the pool we go, and in he jumps (with me holding on). A little kicking and pretend swimming, then it’s out of the pool. And he wants to jump again. And again. And sometimes when I’m not quite ready, or when he’s not quite close to the edge. I guide him in each time, but he clearly enjoys it. He’s got this big grin. He won’t attempt it when I’m not near him, but a couple of times, he started to jump before I had both hands under his armpits.
Hopefully, we can remember the camera to take some quick video of it next time.
As for Will and his swimming, he’s doing more and more of it independently, without being coaxed. And he enjoys jumping in the deep end (where I catch him) and then swimming back to the side. That’s really helping his confidence, because he cannot just put his feet down to rest.
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