What A Bloody, Dirty, Injury-Prone Weekend

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This should have been posted last Monday or Tuesday. But I just let this partially written post languish, and I’m left finishing it on Friday. So, try to flash back to the long, Memorial Day holiday weekend…

What an interesting weekend. What do you get when you mix blood, dirty diapers, dresser-climbing, and wrestling moves? (Not all at once, thank goodness.) Just a “normal” weekend for the twins. I guess the terrible twos may be underway.

Sean and Daniel certainly play off of each other now, and that sometimes means they are antagonizing each other. That certainly was the case when we found both of them on top of the dresser/changing table during one of their supposed naptimes. The way it was positioned, they could get on top of their bed rails and climb up on the dresser. They were sitting facing each other, and Daniel was pushing Sean’s face into his own lap, kind of like a facewash. I guess that’s why Sean was complaining a little bit (from what we could hear over the baby monitor).

At least they took their nap after this incident. Two other times this weekend, they didn’t even take their naps. The first time, they had knocked the lamp off the dresser. (The lamp’s not there any more.) Unfortunately, the bulb broke all over the floor and Daniel’s bed. And the boys probably tried picking up the pieces, as by the time we found them, Sean had cuts on his hand and foot, and Daniel had one on his leg. And there was blood on the carpet, bed sheets, wall(!), and diaper pail. What fun to clean up (both the blood and the shattered glass).

And Congress wants to do away with incandescent light bulbs within 5 years? For fluorescent bulbs (and their mercury contents)? Whose brilliant idea is this? That’s a rant for another day, but this shows perfectly why this may not be an appropriate tradeoff.

The other day, we’re not sure what happened, but it sounded like Daniel fell hard on the floor - twice. We’re guessing he might have fallen off the dresser, but neither he nor Sean really told us what happened. We just had one very upset boy who wanted to be held for a while.

After the second incident, I rearranged the bedroom so that they cannot get on the dresser any more. (Well, unless they get creative and move something like the hamper closer. That day hasn’t come - yet.) But both of them were sufficiently wound up that they never quite fell asleep, so we allowed them out of the room. But they were a bit cranky the rest of the day, so it was quick to bed after an early dinner.

Then there was Sunday morning, when I went in to get the boys dressed and they had reached in the diaper pail and pulled out several “used” diapers and wipes (including the dirty ones) and had them laid around the room. Ugh.

We were lucky with Will, in that we never experienced anything like this. I guess it’s our turn to really experience boys growing up. We hope your Memorial Day weekend was not as exciting/crazy as ours.

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