As a follow-up to yesterday’s pitch on signing up for the blog via e-mail, it works great. In fact, it even posts the blog entry itself in the e-mail. I didn’t have any pictures or video in it, though, so I’m not sure how that would work. However, it was relatively straight-forward and easy enough to view or to surf over to the actual entry, if you like. This is what the e-mail looked like for me.
As another follow-up, this time to my rant on the price of gas, I thought of one other factor that may be driving down gas prices more than you might expect — the price of corn. After all, the fuel for most of our cars is 15% ethanol, so just like when gas prices shot up a few years ago when partial ethanol content was mandated (causing the price of corn to go up in a nice little feedback loop), it appears the price of corn is coming down (as shown from the graph for 2008 below):
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That’s a pretty steep drop in the price of corn this year, which should help drive down the cost of gas even further. I’m still not convinced something else is going on (as ethanol is only 15% of the gas content), but it definitely doesn’t hurt. Now, what about corn-based foods — why haven’t their prices come down with this drop in prices?
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