Celebration: October 2009 Archives

It's A Halloween Party

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Nothing major — just at the daycare facility this afternoon. This was like last year. They get to dress up in their costumes. There is lots of food to eat. Some of the parents get time off from work to visit. And people go home a little early, though this year is a little different in that we don’t have to go trick-or-treating until tomorrow.

So, what are the kids dressing as? Well, you’ll just have to see below.

Will will get a better makeup treatment before going out tomorrow night. (As a vampire, if you cannot quite tell from the picture.)

One of the games that the Older Two class (the age group Sean and Daniel are in) did was apple bobbing. They each got their own little buckets to go bobbing for an apple. Lots of the kids weren’t really sure what to do. But one of ours did know what to do. First one to get it.

Happy Belated Birthday, Dad

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IMG_4412.JPGAt least we wished him a happy birthday as a family closer to his actual birthday, which was last Tuesday (October 6). (Still a day late, but it turns out we likely wouldn’t have reached him anyway that evening. Not that that should be a consolation or anything.)

10.Grampa and Nicholas.1.JPGI’m sure Dad doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I’m here to still wish him a happy birthday, no matter how belated on the Internet. (No, I won’t give away age details.) He got a nice game of golf in on his special day, and he was even able to avoid going in the office. (Good for him.) It was a nice, quiet birthday for him, from what I understand.

So here’s to another year of fun and family for Dad/Grampa. Happy birthday, again — at least one more time this year. Maybe I’ll actually start catching up on some of the other family details that I’m falling behind on.


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