Chip: September 2012 Archives

Off To School

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P1030964.JPGSchool has finally started — and believe it or not, the kids are excited. This year is kind of special, as this is the only year when all 3 boys will be going to the same school. Yes, Will is in 5th grade, and Sean and Daniel are in Kindergarten.

Getting on the bus wasn’t too big of a deal. Will had the routine down, and the twins were just excited to be there. The challenge is that they are on the last bus stop, and so the bus is already very crowded when they get on.

Now we just need to see how their first day of school went. Will already had some homework for school today, though it was pretty easy — bring a picture to school of something he did this summer. I don’t think most other homework days are going to be this easy.






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