Chip: March 2012 Archives

The Eagles Have "Landed"

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Sorry, I couldn’t resist the title. (Yes, it’s bad.)

If you haven’t followed, the Richmond baby eagles I mentioned before have arrived. One arrived 10 days ago on Friday evening, and the other baby eagle arrived a week ago Sunday in the morning.

It’s fun theater, and cool to share with the kids (at least when there is something more to see than a mommy or daddy eagle sitting or sleeping.


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image.pngWell, my church league team did it — we defended our championship title again this year (albeit against the lower division teams). Woo hoo! Last year was a bit of an upset (#3 seed in a 4-team division), but this year we were the marked team, as we were the #1 seed in an 8-team division. We had an awesome year (12-2 in the regular season) and really clamped down for the wins in the playoffs.

Even Kellie and the boys got to come out an watch the game tonight. And since the game was at the middle school where Will will attend in just over a year, I showed him around the halls a little.

Being as good as we were this year, I’m pretty certain we’ll be moving to the upper division next year (we were 1-1 against teams in that division this year). We’ll see how the league gets organized next year. But it sure is fun to be winning as much as we did. (And I can speak as a we/I because I am also the coach, such that it is. I really don’t call plays.)

The Eagles Are Coming

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Pretty cool stuff here in Richmond. As have been happening elsewhere in the US in recent years, Richmond has its own eagle nest under observation with potentially promising results. There is a pair of eggs being nested somewhere in the area (they won’t say, for obvious security reasons), and it’s been under camera surveillance for a while. Even during the recent snowstorms and windstorms, Momma Bird (aka Virginia) hasn’t left the eggs alone.

Now comes word that the eggs may be due to hatch this week — should be cool. We watched the Iowa birds last year, and that was a lot of fun.


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