Chip: April 2011 Archives

Happy Easter!

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With apologies to the author/illustrator of Inherit the Mirth, we wish you all of the joy and blessings of this Easter season with some samples of his creation.


And if you haven’t seen the Inherit the Mirth and aren’t offended by finding the humor in the Bible, do check it out. Nana and Grampa had sent one of his books (Get Me To The Ark On Time) to Sean and Daniel, and they love reading it. Very silly, but a great lesson.

As for his other humorous posters, I like many of them, like these. These even still tie into the Easter story. Good stuff all around. It’s good to support those who spread the message and stories in a way that makes one smile.

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And back in the home, the kids had a blast today. They survived church (or was that Mommy and Daddy survived church with them), and because it was so hot this afternoon (near 90 — the highest temp so far this year), they got to run through the front yard sprinklers. Topped it off with a visit to Brusters.

We hope your Easter was as fun as ours. Now, it’s back to work for me — weekend fun is over.


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