October 2014 Archives

Popcorn Selling Time Again!

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4403561.jpg I now have 3 boys selling popcorn for their troop/pack, so it’s hard to not play favorites with 3 different selling links to provide. But we won’t. Supporting any of the boys is appreciated. It goes a long way toward paying for the events being planned this year (Cub Scouts going for an overnight trip at a museum - still being planned - and Will doing some super campouts, bike trips, etc.) and their awards and supplies.

Many of the same favorite flavors and styles return from last year, whether it’s microwaveable popcorn (in butter or butter lite flavors, or the fancier chocolate, caramel and cheese flavors. All microwave products are made with canola oil and all chocolate products contain no hydrogenated oils, so there are plenty of healthy, flavorful snacks to choose from.

Or if you do not want to buy popcorn, would you consider making a donation to buy popcorn that will be sent to our troops? This is also a popular option, and one that’s well-received by the troops and their families who receive the actual product.

Before you navigate around the site and possibly buy some popcorn, please click on one of the links below so that one of the boys will get credit for your order.

And if you are local or will see us in late November, we can personally deliver your order. Just call Chip or Kellie, and we can take your order — prices may be slightly different (typically lower), and you do not always have to order larger quantities (like 2 boxes of microwaveable popcorn at a time).

70% of your purchase will be returned to their units, the council and their Scout rewards. Online purchases help them fund fun, educational activities and help more kids experience all the things that make Scouting great. All of your support is greatly appreciated.

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