October 2012 Archives

P1040063.JPGIt’s the scariest Halloween yet. Daniel, Will and Sean (as shown to the left) got the costumes they wanted, and they had a load of fun tonight. 90+ minutes around the neighborhood, and they really loaded up. Wow. They’re at home, getting ready for bed, but I think we’ll have plenty of candy for them.

Particularly because we hardly handed out any candy this year. The neighborhood was much less busy this year, even less than last year’s rainy adventure. So we have plenty left over for the adults, I guess.

Two Weeks To Go For Popcorn

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4403561.jpgOne last reminder about the popcorn fundraiser for Will and his Cub Scout pack. He’s just over halfway to his goal — which will help pay for a trip to Washington, DC. He’s really excited and looking forward to going.

If you don’t want to order online and can receive a local/personal delivery (i.e., you live near us), just reach out to me, and I can let you know what he’s selling. Delivery will be in mid-November. He must finish taking orders by Sunday, November 4.

Thank you.

It's Popcorn Selling Time Again

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4403561.jpg Just like last year, Will is selling popcorn as a fundraiser for his Cub Scout pack. The pack has a lot of fun events this year, but the big one that has Will most excited — a day trip to Washington, DC in the spring to see a few sites. And with this being his last year in Cub Scouts, this is his final chance to set a new record in amount of popcorn sold.

Many of the same favorite flavors and styles return from last year, whether it’s microwaveable popcorn (in butter, butter lite, and kettle corn flavors, or the fancier chocolate, caramel and cheese flavors.

Or if you do not want to buy popcorn, would you consider making a donation to buy popcorn that will be sent to our troops? This is also a popular option, and one that’s well-received by the troops and their families who receive the actual product.

Before you navigate around the site and possibly buy some popcorn, please click on this link so that Will gets credit for your purchase. And if you are local or will see us in late November, we can personally deliver your order. Just call Chip or Kellie, and we can take your order — prices may be slightly different (typically lower), and you do not always have to order larger quantities (like 2 boxes of microwaveable popcorn at a time).

All of your support is greatly appreciated.


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November 2013

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