October 2011 Archives

4403561.jpgDid you know you can help me earn my own way in Scouting? Just click here and place an order on my behalf. Trail’s End has made a lot of improvements this year. All microwave products are made with canola oil and all chocolate products contain no hydrogenated oils, so there are plenty of healthy, flavorful snacks to choose from.

70% of your purchase will be returned to my council, my unit and my Scout rewards. Online purchases help us fund fun, educational activities and help more kids experience all the things that make Scouting great. Our fundraiser last year helped send us on a camping trip to Luray, VA this fall, including visiting Luray Caverns. It was awesome seeing everything underground! I’m really looking forward to taking trips this spring for overnight trips to the Hampton Air & Space Museum and the battleship Wisconsin in Norfolk.

You can order at any time of the year, though our main sales run through early November. Even if you do not like popcorn or other treats, consider a donation to send one of these treats to our military personnel overseas via a Silver or Gold Level Donation (see the Military Sales section).

TEComputerLogo.jpgThanks for your support,

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It's Official - I'm a Blue Badger

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OK, this is not the animal I’m talking about. Just a little bit of Capital One lingo - I’m now a full-time Associate and off the contracting path. After nearly 6 years of contracting at Capital One over the past 8 years, I now have been assimilated.

I’ve already been thrown into the fire, with 2 critical projects thrown into my lap. (Yes, I’m still a project manager.) One is a 4-month project that needs to be done by the end of the year (you do the math - it is doable, if I’m lucky). The other is a pretty cool enterprise-wide collaboration tool we’re starting. (That’s all I can/should share for now.)

It’s been a while since I’ve been out of the contracting/staff augmentation role, but I’ve been looking for the right opportunity. I’m still with the team I have been with for the past almost 4 years, so I think this might work out. I’m sure it will be a wild ride.


October 2012

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  • 2011/09/24
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