March 2011 Archives

Jump Rope for Hearts

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This is a fundraiser that Will enjoys doing every year - the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart Program. A lot of schools do this one, and they have a bunch of activities that they do to raise awareness — and do some jumping rope, I’m sure.

For once, I’m almost organized enough to announce his fundraising plan here. Kellie set up a website for pledges and donations if you want to sponsor him.

Good luck, Will! And have fun (as you always do)!

The Median As A Jail?

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Yes, welcome the wonderful world of the US Census, where apparently the City of Richmond is housing almost 1500 inmates in the median out front of the City Jail.

I kid you not.

Then there are the 72 people living among the statues on Monument Avenue. And no, these are supposedly not homeless people — just misplaced on the GIS, I’m sure.

But if City Jail is overcrowded now (and it is), imagine trying to house everyone on the median strip out front instead?

I’m sure everything else is accurate about the Census. Oh wait, the City of Richmond found 95 separate instances of errors. In a city of 200,000. That’s a pretty high error rate, if you ask me.

Sorry, I just found this incredibly amusing. (And for some, I’m sure it confirms their biases.)


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